Just in case you’d missed it … Email lists are still a big thing for marketing your business.
You know you need to be in control of your tribe, not at the whim of social media algorithms. Growing your email list is how you can be in control of communications with your tribe.
As social media marketing relies on who the FB, IG, Linked In, Tik Tok … [insert trending social media here] algorithms show your post to. And advertising on these platforms gets more and more expensive. Then don’t mention the fight for SEO space on Google page one and Google ad slots.
Would you hope, with fingers crossed, that your tribe comes across your information or rather be assured that your carefully crafted communications are delivered directly to their in box, ready to be read?
The power’s NOT in your email list
The power’s NOT in your email list
Yup, you read that right. The power’s NOT in your list, but in what you do with your email list. That’s a conversation we'll have here, about what email sequences you need to grow your business.
To carefully engage with your email list tribe you first need to have one.
We’ve been told that people don’t just want to ‘sign up for your newsletter’ these days. You need to offer them a piece of high value content: free downloads, access to resources, challenges or videos. Followed by an email sequence and upsell to a paid product. THEN you can put them onto your email newsletter schedule.
And this is good advice. You should always have some form of sales funnel that starts with a value-offering on your website.
But is it still enough to offer a ‘sign up for my newsletter’ email list opt-in?
Yes and no. Many wellness businesses still offer a ‘sign up for my newsletter’ option, and people do still sign up for them.
They can work as your value-laden freebie opt-in, or in addition to your value-laden freebie opt-in.
Why can newsletter sign ups still work for wellness businesses?
- Because people are genuinely interested in what you have to say because it directly affects their health and well-being (big motivation factor).
- Because there’s still perceived value from the information in your newsletter
Basically, your newsletter information can help them a) survive, and b) thrive. So it ticks some basic psychological boxes.
Here’s how you can make your newsletter sign up opt-in to your email list work.
1. Is your newsletter really a value-laden freebie?
- Think about how you can use your email newsletter meets the needs of your tribe.
- What information or content would give them value?
- How does it help them solve their problems?
- How does it add value to their life?
- How does it help you enable them to transform their lives?
2. Now you’re sure your newsletter gives great value, think about how you communicate this to your tribe.
On your sign up space …
- Give details about what your email newsletter provides
- Tell your tribe what value they get from your newsletter
- Tell them what this value looks like in their life (So what …)
Next, overcome any objections or barriers that may get in the way of your tribe signing up
- How often they should expect emails (and stick to it)
- Will you spam them?
- Will you sell their email address?
I can see what you’re thinking … isn’t this going to be a very long sign up? Yes, and no. It could be as short as:
Lose your daily aches and pains, and spend your day dancing in the puddles. Learn how with my newsletter. Every week I’ll send you advice on how to limber up, tone up and feel life without daily pain. You can unsubscribe easily and I’ll never share your email address.
Name: Email:
3. Broadcast your email as a piece of value your tribe needs in their life.
Often email sign up are snuck away on websites. Like something we’re slightly embarrassed about.
Don’t hide your email sign up. Make it big and bold, like something they NEED in their life.
4. Use your opt-in strategically
- You could put your newsletter opt-in form in the footer of each website page
- You can add it to each blog post
- You can use it as a pop up (set to exit-intent or minimum 50% page scroll. The last thing you want to do is hit someone with a pop up as soon as they arrive on your site, before they’ve had a chance to get to know you better)
- You can link to it from social media posts
- You can brag about it from Facebook page/group header image
- You can put it on a banner across the top of your website
So, can you still use a newsletter as your value-laden freebie email opt-in offering?
- As long as you shout about it’s value.
- AND follow it up with at least a thank you / welcome email.
Take the hard work out of writing your welcome email sequence.
I've written some amazing time-saving email templates that you can purchase from The Helpful Academy.
Welcome like a Pro is the email sequence you need to thank your clients and customers for signing up to your newsletter.