How do I write a sales page that converts?

Sales pages are where the money is. They’re the pages on your website that persuade someone to take the action you’ve been priming them to take.

All your social media posts, your Google ads, your IG and Pinterest post, your blogs … they’re all getting your tribe to this point. Buy now. Book now. 

Before you get started with your sales page …

Never assume someone has followed your conversations from your home page and about page to the sales page. They may have come to it from a Google search, a blog post or a social media post or ad.

So, treat your sales pages as a conversation that can stand alone without someone reading any other information about you. So, yes, there will be repetition from the rest of your website, but we know this is a good thing as marketing is an exercise in repetition!

Here are 10 things you need to do to write a sales page that converts.  

1. Know your audience

The only way you’ll be able to write the words that encourage someone to sign up is if you know them REALLY well. You know what their goals are, what their problems are, how this all makes them feel, why they’re not meeting their goals right now.

Read this blog and create your own really useful client profile that will give you all the info you need to write a sales page that converts!

2. Get the language right

One of the things I encourage you to do when you super-stalk your client to create their profile is to look at the language they use.

Language is one of the things that connects us, quickly and easily. If you use the actual words and phrases that you hear your clients and customers use they will identify more closely than if you use your words!

Another way to make sure the language is right is to write as you speak. Create a sales page that sounds like a conversation with your dream customers. 

Reading it out loud is a fantastic way to see if it sounds like a lecture or two friends chatting over a cuppa. 

3. Speak to the transformation they can achieve

Draw them into the transformation your service or product can bring. Using positive pain points is a great way to do this.

Many sales pages focus on the negative things you feel or experience before talking about the solutions. In many cases, and especially in health and wellness, talking about the transformation you can help your customers achieve draws them into the conversation of your sales page much more gently. Meaning they’ll listen much more closely!

4. Talk to the real-life successes this can bring them

Along with number 3, focus on what the benefits of using your services or products look like in their life – the real life examples. Will they be able to complete the marathon, play with the kids without pain, not have to worry about sweat marks, not fear retirement?

Again, this helps your dream client hop into the shoes of someone who has succeeded in the transformation. 

5. Give social proof

Social proof is a really great way of showing someone who’s just getting to know you that it’s ‘normal’ to do business with you. Other people have done it and it’s okay. More than okay, it was a life-transforming experience, and really, what are they waiting for?

Social proof can be

  • Testimonials
  • Reviews
  • Star allocation
  • ‘As seen in’ icons
  • ‘Business I’ve worked with’ icons

What can you do if you can’t use social proof? Tell them why you can’t! For some health professionals, out-dated laws mean they can’t use testimonials. But they’re also governed by strict professional development regulations including practice review. Tell your clients this. 

6. Don’t overwhelm

Don’t overwhelm with super-in depth information or how your sales page is visually laid out.

You know your product or service really well. Too well sometimes to be able to talk clearly about it. So, take a step back and as you re-read what you’ve written on your sales page ask yourself

  • “why would my customer need to know this?”
  • “how does this help them make the decision to purchase/book etc?”
  • “what else do they need to know to make the decision?”

Sometimes, you do need to give a heap of information. In which case, not overwhelming the visual lay out of your sales page is important.

  • Make sure you have lots of white space around paragraphs and images
  • Don’t have long sentences or paragraphs
  • Make sure your page is mobile-optimised
  • Use relevant images

7. What do I get out of this? Describe the features

Obviously, people need to know what they’re getting out of your package or product. So, it’s good to have a bullet list of exactly what they get out of this service or from using this product.

Take the list of features to the next level by writing a ‘so what’ statement after each feature.

  • It comes in 275 different colours (so what?) so you can match it perfectly with your outfit
  • Waterproof and easy to clean (so what?) so you can read in the bath

Make sure each ‘so what’ relates back to a problem your customer wants to solve or the transformation they want to achieve.

8. Introduce yourself

Remember, people may not come to your sales page through your home page or about page. They may be totally new to you!

Having a short introduction on your sales page helps you connect with more customers. Especially those who come to this webpage through

  • Blogs
  • Lead magnet upsells
  • Social media ads
  • Organic searches
  • Google ads

Try and include

  • a short paragraph about you,
  • a video link of you speaking your introduction and why this service/product is amazing
  • your main relevant qualifications

Show them clearly how you’re the best person to guide them.

9. Show the price

The goal of your sales page is to give people the information they need to buy now/book now. And showing the price is possibly THE main piece of information they want.

Having ticked off items one through eight, you’ve now got them in the perfect headspace to make the decision to work with you. Don’t leave them hanging by not telling them how much you charge for this value.

Have a read of this blog where I dive deep into the conversation of “should I have prices on my website?

And if you’re feeling stuck about what you’re charging for your products and services, check out the incredible Natalie Coombe and her information and free downloads to help you set the right prices. I worked with Natalie in 2020 and it was a business game-changer. 

10. Keep it clear

Okay, finally the most important thing to keep in mind when you’re writing your sales page … keep it clear.

It under-pins most of what I’ve said already, but I just thought I’d spell it out.

Donald Miller at Business Made Simple, (affiliate link) says “If you confuse, you’ll lose.”

He also said, ''What if the problem wasn’t the product? What if the problem was the way we talked about the product?''

Following tips one through nine will help you make sure you nail number ten. 

Be clear about who you’re talking to and how you can help them, sign up for my FREE Create a Clear Brand Message toolkit.

Get your whole business in order with Business Made Simple University courses from Donald Miller and the team (affiliate link).

Drop me a line and let’s talk about getting your sales page up to scratch!