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Networking. How to stand out from the crowd

Networking is a great way to spread the news about our business. We might be networking with fellow business owners or potential clients. We might be networking in person or online. Either way, the thing that almost without doubt fills us with fear is how on earth do we introduce ourselves?! In fact, this ‘how do I explain what I do’ is the focus of many network groups who even give awards out for the best one-liner!...

January 25, 2021

How a clear brand message can help you launch a new product or service

Have you ever wondered if there’s an easier way to launch a new product or service? So many of my clients tell me how hard it seems to get the message out about their new products or services. “I can help them but people just aren’t listening!” they say. “What if the problem wasn’t the product. What if the problem was the way we talked about product.”  Donald Miller, Building a StoryBrand Having a clear message behind your new product or service can make your launch easier. Y...

January 18, 2021

5 essential elements that make a clear brand message

A brand message is the message that communicates with your tribe what idea, goal or dream you can help them achieve. It’s the bigger-picture, umbrella statement that shows the purpose of your business. Read more about what a brand message is all about. To be clear and successful, your brand message needs to have these 5 essential elements...

January 11, 2021

Creating a really useful customer profile

A customer profile or avatar is a profile that describes everything you could ever want to know about your dream client or customer.  Imagine how useful that could be!  No more guessing about who you’re trying to connect with. No more guessing what they want from you. You can tap into an endless source of information that makes sure you’re providing services and products that are of value to them, and make marketing them super simple.   A really useful customer avatar is ...

January 4, 2021

Finding a niche for your business

Many marketing experts and business coaches encourage businesses to ‘niche down’. But time and time again I see posts in my favourite social media groups from wellness professionals who have become stuck trying to find their niche. Finally, I’ve gathered together all my thoughts on what niching your business is all about, why you should (and yes, it’s more than just a fancy marketing strategy) and more importantly HOW you niche your business successfully. So, here’s a FB post I ca...

December 21, 2020

How do you convince someone to buy online?

You know your product or service has so much value … but how do you make people listen, see the value in their life and convince them to buy your product or service? Well, isn’t that just the 64 million dollar question?! If your people listen they’re more likely to buy from you. And convincing someone to buy (without being pushy) is how we help more people, grow our business and earn more money to go do things we want to do! “Communication is at the heart of e-commerce and community...

December 16, 2020

What is Alt Text for images?

If Google algorithms look at the words and code on your page, how do they ‘see’ images? Welcome to the world of Alt Text, Alt Descriptions and Alt Attributes....

December 8, 2020

Building a values-based business

You might have happened across the acronym “K.T.L”. In other words “Know. Trust. Like”.  This funky little phrase describes how our tribe sees us. First they have to get to know us, then they have to trust us and finally they get to like us. Which translates into sales and our tribe spreading the word about us. And building your wellness business around a tribe is sustainable way to success.  Often when I talk to people it’s the “know” bit which is the focus – soci...

November 30, 2020

Writing so people take action

“Persuasive copy” is words written to persuade the reader to do something. You can see how this would work well when writing words for your business.  After all, you want them to read your blog, your website, your social media post, your poster … and do something. Take action.  And that something, ideally will be an action that helps you earn some money. Imagine …  Having words that drive an action An action that helps your tribe engage with youWho rave abou...

November 23, 2020

Blog topic hacks

Using these simple tricks I'll show you how to make choosing blog topics a breeze.I don't know about you, but one of my major blocks around writing blogs is usually finding the right topic to write about.  Sometimes the ideas come flowing, but other times I'm just stuck. So here are the hacks I use to help come up with great blog topics that really connect with my clients (hi!).  ...

November 20, 2020

What is a business blog?

Does your business have a blog page?  Should your business have a blog page?Knowing the difference between a ‘blog’ and a ‘business blog’ could make or break your business.A blog can be amazing to help your business grow, but only if you do 3 crucial things....

November 10, 2020

Discount or added value. How to supersize your sales.

Have you ever found yourself offering discounts to drum up a bit more business? Especially around either quiet times in the year or to “take advantage of” seasonal events? While they may seem to work, let me suggest that they may harm rather than help both your business and your clients. Here's why....

August 22, 2020

What is a sales funnel?

The phrase ‘sales funnel’ is enough to send most of us off into a quiet corner with a meditation app. But I’m going to stop you right there and make you sit still on your yoga mat. Your business just isn’t going to get out there and transform lives if you don’t have your sales funnel written (or drawn) down. Think of a sales funnel as the road map to solving your tribes’ problems. Are you winging it and hoping they end up in the right place at the end of the journey? Or have you gi...

August 15, 2020

Free SEO keyword research tools for my website and blog

Having certain words or phrases on your website and blog helps the Google bots find your site when someone types those words or phrases into the search bar. It makes sense doesn’t it? But still there’s a heap of mystery, magic and out-right lies that are spread about having these keywords on your website. As I talked about in my blog ‘A quick guide to SEO in 2020’, being found by your tribe using Google searches takes more than just using a few scattered words throughout your site. ...

August 8, 2020

Using pain points in wellness copywriting

Copywriters are taught that a great way to identify with potential clients is to talk about their pain points.  These are issues, problems or concerns specific to the group that you want to attract.  In fact, there’s a style of writing named just for this: PAS – Pain, Agitate, Solve. Traditional ‘PAS’ works like this: You identify their Pain, give the pain a push (Agitate) and then offer the Solution to their pain.   Bingo.  You’ve made a connection with t...

July 22, 2020

How to write blogs that drive clients through your sales funnel

Blogs are a great way to educate and inform your clients of what they need to know before they’re ready to engage with you. With this in mind, having blogs that cover off each section of your sales funnel is one way you can connect with clients at all stages of their journey with you. Driving them through the funnel!...

July 20, 2020

How do I connect with businesses so they refer clients to me?

A great source of referrals to your wellness business is … other wellness practitioners! Doctors, physiotherapists, dietitians, coaches, therapists. Each of us covers a different piece of our clients’ health jigsaw puzzle, so knowing who to refer to can really add value to our clients’ experience with us. Gone are the days where a quick email or flier stuck through the door would be enough to see referrals flowing in. This isn’t going to cut it, but many people still go ahead down t...

July 15, 2020

5 mistakes people make when setting up their website

Over the years I've seen many website mistakes being made. And written quite a few! (one day I'll count them up!). Here's the most common 5 website mistakes I see being made ... and how to avoid them!...

July 1, 2020

Talking points: How can I create clear, consistent messages that my clients listen to?

You know those big brands that have those catchy messages? Like Nikes’ ‘Just do it’, Apples’ ‘Think differently’, or L’Oreal’s ‘Because you’re worth it’. Have you noticed that everything they do or say, every image, video, social media post talks to that message? As well as being their slogan, or tag line, they’re the main talking point of the business....

June 25, 2020

Reconciling the difference between what you do and what your client wants

But what happens when what they THINK they want isn’t what they actually need? And your business provides the solution to what they actually need? If you talk the need you help them achieve you may miss out on reaching clients who think they want something else (but actually really need you!). It can sound a bit complicated, so let me break it down for you. We’ll use weight loss as an example. Many people want to lose weight. For whatever reason, weight loss is what they WANT to achieve (or...

June 11, 2020

Why having a tribe is an effective, sustainable business model.

The quick story … Tribes are united around a common goal, idea, passion or plan. They are gathered together and inspired by a leader with the goal, idea or plan. Your role is to identify the goal, idea, passion or plan that your people have in common. And then to start gathering the tribe to you. Having a tribe to sell your products and services to is a more effective, more sustainable model for your health and wellness business. Here’s how to start your tribe: Identify your tribeKnow ...

June 10, 2020

How to build your email list with a newsletter sign up

Just in case you’d missed it … Email lists are still a big thing for marketing your business. You know you need to be in control of your tribe, not at the whim of social media algorithms. Growing your email list is how you can be in control of communications with your tribe. As social media marketing relies on who the FB, IG, Linked In, Tik Tok … [insert trending social media here] algorithms show your post to. And advertising on these platforms gets more and more expensive. Then...

June 10, 2020

Does my wellness business really need a website?

Do I really need a website? After all, websites are expensive. The question of whether you can run a business on social media without having a website came from a question I read on a Facebook group I hang out in. The person had just been advised by her business coach that "oh no, you don't need a website". She wanted to check out what the hive mind had to say about this matter. After I finished choking on my coffee, here's what I answered ... And it turns out more and more coache...

June 10, 2020

Blog categories. How to organise your blogs so they get read.

Blog categories are a way of grouping together blogs of similar topics. Having blog categories makes it easier for your tribe to find information they want. Meaning they get more value, and your great blogs don’t get lost. Over the weekend I sat down and recategorised ALL my blogs. Three years-worth of blogs. It took a while but it was well worth it. Why did I spend 7 hours on this task? Because I have a lot of blogs. And a lot of value is in those blogs. But lots of that value is getting...

June 9, 2020

What is a brand message?

A brand message is the message that your business wants to communicate to your tribe. It’s a statement of purpose that ties your marketing, adverts, graphic design, website … everything, together. A clear brand message that is consistently used to guide all the ways you communicate with your tribe has a massively positive impact. They can quickly and easily understand what you do and how they can benefitThey know how your business can transform their livesThey’re not confused by tone,...

June 8, 2020 Posts 26-50 of 59 | Page prev next